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"What Every Business Owner Needs to Know Before Hiring an I.T. Support Company"

We operate with a different set of values than our competitors. While they profit most when something goes wrong with your system, our clients can enjoy a fixed monthly fee that never fluctuates regardless of how many service calls they need. We only benefit when our customers don’t face I.T. disasters. Out of necessity, we must go that extra mile to proactively manage, secure and improve your network to keep problems and data disasters as close to zero as possible, and zero problems is a number we can all appreciate.

If you have a server (or think you need one) and 5 or more workstations we want to give you a FREE 2-HOUR Support Visit to Prove to You That We Can Rescue You From Bad Support and Finally Give You Back That Peace of Mind You Once Enjoyed! No obligation, badgering, pestering or further expectations.  If you like us, hire us. If you don't, thanks for the opportunity, (but we think you will).

There are several things that set us apart from the usual run-of-the-mill service provider:

• We monitor your network 24X7 for any subtle changes that indicate a problem may be brewing. Read More

• We respond remotely and immediately to correct any problems found and get you back to full production. Read More

• We protect your precious data from loss or corruption by confirming your backups are happening AND that they can be restored in time of need. Read More

• We can offer a plan that covers ALL of your I.T. needs for one firm price, so you can budget for support just like rent or insurance with no nasty surprises.


Are You a Delaware Valley Small Business Owner, Searching for Support for Your Unstable, Slow Computer Network?

If so, you've come to the right place!

Furthermore, we've turned off the Surprise Meter - that traditional hourly meter that can cost you an undetermined amount every time you need support.  No more Surprises !

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David Eyler
Sue Jessup
Calysta Amos
Todd Gray
©2014 Networking Delaware, LLC
From laptop repairs to network administration to security training, we do it all.
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• All of our work carries a 100% money back guarantee. In fact, if your fully monitored system goes down for any reason, we will provide the labor required to get you back to normal operations with absolutely no additional charges to you.

Our core services include the Design, Installation, Maintenance, Service and Repair of computer networks for small and medium sized businesses in Delaware and the surrounding areas. Then, since prevention is so much better than any cure, we monitor those networks 24 X 7 to keep you, and us, informed about exactly what is going on inside your system. Our monitoring software agent gives us a clear, precise and comprehensive inside view of your entire network functions.

In most cases we know about a problem and can correct it remotely before it actually affects your operation. In almost every instance, you would never have known a problem existed if not for the comprehensive daily report you receive from our operations department. Our clients tell us how this proactive approach benefits their organizations: The list runs from reduced costs and simpler budgeting to less downtime and increased productivity; however many confess that the greatest benefit is the peace-of-mind that comes from knowing their systems are secure, backed-up and running at maximum efficiency.

With the Hackers thwarted, the backups confirmed and everything under a watchful eye that never sleeps, never calls in sick and never takes a vacation, our clients simply sleep better at night.

Don't Take Our word for It. Just Ask These Happy Clients